• Background and aims of the Resonant Voice Initiative in the EU project

This open call and campaigns that will be subsequently developed with selected participants is part of the “Resonant Voice Initiative in the EU” project, funded by the European Commission. The project will empower a diverse group of civil society actors (“resonant voices”) – artists, activists, journalists, bloggers, educators and other online (and offline) influencers – from the Western Balkan diaspora communities living in the EU to engage in online and offline communication campaigns, utilising technology, together with a deep understanding of the community, to produce compelling content that effectively pushes back against polarising, inflammatory and radicalising discourse.

We want to strengthen the influence of credible voices that challenge extremist propaganda by targeting audiences vulnerable to radicalisation within the Western Balkans diaspora in the EU.

Specifically, our aims are:

    • To reach vulnerable segments of Western Balkan diaspora living in the EU through an evidence-based, multi-stakeholder communication model targeting audiences based on their degree of radicalisation;
    • To provide credible, alternative, and positive narratives exposing and challenging online and offline extremist messaging and targeting the Western Balkan diaspora;
    • To explore, address, and reduce the influence of push-and-pull factors of online extremist content among the Western Balkan diaspora;
    • To promote tolerance and EU fundamental values among the targeted audience.
  • The call and campaigns

The call for the Resonant Voices Campaigns is open, and it will last until July 5, 2019.

Individuals or teams of up to three people (artists, human rights activists, community leaders, bloggers, journalists, researchers or local influencers) from countries within the European Union, the Western Balkans and Turkey are invited and eligible to apply.

Applicants are expected to propose creative and campaignable solutions within various topics at the intersection of identity, migration, democracy, human rights, radicalisation and violent extremism.

Selected applicants will have the opportunity to get support and mentorship, develop and test the ideas they proposed trough application (June – August), and finally to launch and scale prepared campaigns (September – December).

The Resonant Voices Campaigns include the following elements:

    • Financial support up to 5,000 USD per selected individual or team (max. 4 X 5,000 USD per call);
    • Collaborative process during campaign development, including mentorships and hands-on support from Propulsion team and its partners;
    • Campaigns testing, launching and scaling, with the aim to purposefully use produced content and engaged communities to confront the radicalisation trends both in online and offline spheres of public life.
  • Eligibility criteria

Who can participate?

Individuals or teams of up to three (artists, human rights activists, community leaders, bloggers, journalists, researchers or local influencers) from countries within the European Union, the Western Balkans and Turkey are invited and eligible to apply. Applicants should be a resident of one of the countries covered by the programme. Applicants should be proficient in English.

  • Topics

Selected campaigners will receive financial (up to 5,000 USD), technical and mentoring support to produce creative content and cover topics at the intersection of identity, migration, democracy, human rights, radicalisation and violent extremism. We are welcoming proposals that could explore the following themes:

    • Challenges of integration of the Western Balkans communities within the European Union
    • Far right networks operating in Europe with links to the Western Balkans
    • Religious radicalisation in Europe with links to the Western Balkans and Turkey
    • Radicalising transitional justice narratives among the Western Balkans communities living in the EU
    • Nexus between Balkan linked networks of organized crime and terrorism within EU borders
    • Ghettoization and exclusion of immigrants in Europe
    • Political violence within the EU and its online engine
    • Role of active communities in countering disinformation and propaganda in connection with migration, integration and multiculturalism.
    • Links between political discourse and disinformation in the context of migration, security and terrorism.
    • Other (if explore different approaches opposed to radicalisation and violent extremism rise)

Your campaignable idea should have an in-depth analysis element, with overall background details and problem dissection. Also, you should explain why this particular topic is important and relevant, how your proposed solution will work and give expected results, which communities can be engaged in the following activities.

  • Eligibility and Compulsory activities

Campaign idea and implementation

 The goal of this competition is to foster creativity and challenge participants to think outside the box; to propose exciting ideas that have never been considered possible and to reimagine the existing public discourse towards topics at the intersection of identity, migration, democracy, human rights, radicalisation and violent extremism.

Proposed ideas should have a clear and strong potential to be implemented as online (and offline) campaigns, exploring different platforms (social media, blogs and other networking platforms, as well as offline activities which can generate online content and produce impact) and formats (photo, video, performance, written content and many others).


Number of applications

Individuals or teams of up to three team-mates can complete and submit one or more applications, if they feel inspired. However, it is possible to support only one selected idea per individual or team.

Application form

The proposal for a fellowship investigation project must be submitted using an online application form.

To be properly assessed, all parts of the application form should be filled in as carefully and clearly as possible.

The application must be in English.


Example of applicant’s work

Applicants can provide up to three relevant examples of their previous work experience related to the subject. Samples may be provided in English or local languages.


Deadline for applications 

The deadline for applications is July 5, 2019 at 23:59.

Propulsion will advise applicants if they have any questions about the application procedure. All questions regarding this call should be directed via email: resonantvoices@propulsion.one.


Where and how to send the application?

All interested parties should submit their applications using an online form available at resonantvoices.info web platform. Applicants will receive an email acknowledging receipt.

  • Evaluation and selection of applications

The final decision on the allocation of support resources will be made by the selection committee, composed of Resonant Voices Initiative program implementers and partners, international professionals and influencers, civil society representatives and experts on countering violent extremism. Up to 4 campaignable ideas will be selected based on:


A – Campaign proposal content

  • Relevance (5 points)
  • Feasibility (5 points)
  • Originality (5 points)


B – Candidate/Team

  • Professional qualifications (5 points)
  • Motivation (5 points)
  • Previous experience (5 points)


Maximum total score is 30 points.

  • Notification of selected project proposals

All candidates will be informed by email about the results of the call during July 2019.

For Information about the “Resonant Voices Initiative in the EU” project visit: resonantvoices.info.

Propulsion: propulsion.one

* The content of the Resonant Voices Campaigns call represents the views of the author only and is the author’s sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.